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::: PT-03 :::
XY Positioning Stage
XY positioning stage
Automated XY-positioning stage PT-03

An automated stage PT-03 serves for object positioning in a plane. The object platform motion is managed either directly from the controller by buttons on its front panel or from program run on PC. Knobs for manual positioning present. The stage can be employed for object micropositioning in microscopes and for other applications.

Positioning range of the object platform in XY: 10�10 mm
Positioning step: 0.3125 micron (the drive screw pitch 0.5 mm)
Object platform: 63x53 mm (two rows of 5 mounting holes �3�7 with step 12 mm; 25 mm between the rows)
Height of the object pltaform top over the stage foot plane: 34 mm
Drive: 2 stepper motors FL42STH-0316MB, 400�4=1600 step/rev (at program control); 0.158 N�m
Connection with host PC: via USB port
Translation control: manual (from the controller), program (from the control program on PC)
Control voltage: 0, +15 (<24) V
Supply voltage: 220 V, 50 Hz
Power consumption: less than 15 W
Overall sizes (w-d-h): Stage unit � 190x162x53 mm; Controller unit � 138x195x82 mm
Weight: Stage unit � 1.6 kg; Controller unit � 0.8 kg
Code Name Q-ty
PT-03-010 XY positioning stage unit. 1
PT-03-020 Control electronic unit with set of necessary electrical cords and cables. 1
1 Base set includes also the control software (for Win32) and user manual.
  connecting cables  CD
* Not in same scale.
** Host PC is not included in the delivery set.

Control software screenshot
Control software for PT-03 is a unified program for driving three stepper motors. It is a 32-bit Windows application that runs under Windows XP sp2 and higher operating systems.

The software provides control over the motor speed, drive power (coil curret), platform motion range (in steps of stepper motor or in mm), setting of the motion direction and movement of the object platform to the set position (to the point with the set coordinates within the mechanism range).

Minimal configuration of host PC (not included in the delivery set): Celeron® 1.7 GHz, RAM 128 MB, HDD 40 GB, VRAM 64 MB, monitor 1024x768x32 bit, MS Windows® XP, free USB port.

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